Horace Walpole (1717-1797) 英國伯爵
The world is a comedy to those that think; a tragedy to those that feel. (人生對思考的人來說是喜劇,對感覺的人來說是悲劇。)
- Letter to Sir Horace Mann (1769-12-31)
- A favourite saying of Walpole's, often repeated in his letters, this may be derived from the similar statement by Jean de La Bruyère: "Life is a tragedy for those who feel, and a comedy for those who think."
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) 美國思想家、文學家愛默生
- Nothing astonishes men so much as common sense and plain dealing. (沒有什麼比常識和平凡的態度更讓人吃驚了。)
From http://www.answers.com/topic/zeal
"Zeal without knowledge is fire without light." - Thomas Fuller 歷史上不只一個Thomas Fuller,不太確定是哪一個。
"Through zeal, knowledge is gotten; through lack of zeal, knowledge is lost." - Buddha Buddha釋迦牟尼