相信大家最近應該看到了「學生基礎素養國際研究計畫」(PISA)的國際評比發表,臺灣學生數學素養排名第一的消息,讓大家很驚喜,也有點錯愕。現在常有許多奇奇怪怪的新聞,所以我本來對這個消息沒有特別注意,直到昨天收到了從 Stephen Krashen網站發出的一封英文電子郵件,特別指出我們的教育部長先生歸功於教改有成效,我才仔細去看內容。不知道大家聽了部長的說法,有沒有什麼想法?


我到Taipei Times搜尋原文來看,剛剛又在網路搜尋了作者杜震華,這位台灣大學國發所教授竟然在奇摩也有自己的部落格呢!原來他是在蘋果日報發表中文,Ted Yang再翻譯成英文在Taipei Times發表。他把原因分析出來,我認為是用科學方法來辨正似是而非的謬誤,說得不錯。內容主要是說,大家都知道做實驗時需要有實驗組和控制組,我們的教改並沒有可對照的組別,無法證明我們改革的方法的確有效。其次是補習的問題,因為教改造成更多人去補習,最多人補的又是數學,所以這也算是一個重要的變因,如果沒有補習和家教,評比的結果還會一樣嗎?最後他提出大家應該想一想:為什麼美國和以色列有許多科學人才,但是評比成績卻不好?如果臺灣無法分辨原因和結果,這次的結果對未來又有什麼重大意義呢?


巧的是,昨天我有幸和從德州大學奧斯汀分校來台演講的Dr. Borich談到這個問題,他的專長是分析應用資料、課程評鑑和有效教學,是個專家。他也說,這個結果相信大家都會很高興,可是這些表現這麼棒的學生,十五年後會變成怎樣呢?如果沒有追蹤結果,那這個結果其實是沒有什麼意義的。這個說法也很中肯、實在,不是嗎?


台灣數學第一又怎樣    杜震華  (蘋果日報 論壇 2007.12.6)

台灣首度參加由「經濟合作及發展組織」(Organization for Economic Cooperation and DevelopmentOECD)主辦的「學生基礎素養國際研究計劃」(Programme for International Student AssessmentPISA)國際評量,在57個參加國中,獲得了數學第1、科學第4、閱讀第16的佳績,超越許多先進國家,顯示台灣教育水準在國際之上,相所有國人都十分快慰!








How to assess educational reform  

By Tu Jenn-Hwa 杜震華  Friday, Dec 14, 2007, Page 8


PARTICIPATING FOR THE first time in the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) -- held last year by the Organization for Economic Cooperation in competition with 56 other countries -- Taiwan took first place in mathematics, fourth place in science and 16th place in reading performance. This excellent performance demonstrates that the nation's educational standard is above the international average, which I believe the public was rather gratified to see.

However, the project host in Taiwan, who is also president of National Hualien University of Education, indicated that as the participants have all completed their nine-year compulsory education, it "demonstrates that the educational reform works and that the results can be a useful reference for the Ministry of Education in policymaking."

Minister of Education Tu Cheng-sheng (杜正勝) chimed in and said that it "proved the effectiveness of educational reform and the effects are becoming clearer and clearer." Of course we hope that educational reform really works, but if the educational authorities think good performance in the PISA assessment means that reform is a success, then their reasoning ability needs improving. The fact that such people are leading educational reform is enough to make one break out in a cold sweat.

Anyone with a basic understanding of logic knows that to examine the effects of an experiment or a policy there must be an experimental group and a control group operating in identical conditions except for controlled variables. Therefore, if we wish to use the results of the assessment to conclude that Taiwan's educational reform has made "significant achievements," there should be assessment results from a control group before the educational reform that can be compared with the experimental group to see if there is any significant statistical progress.

After all, it was the first time Taiwan participated in the PISA assessment, so there is no benchmark to tell us whether the results are good or bad. It is unclear as to how they could jump to the conclusion that educational reform has been "effective." Using these results as a reference for ministry policy could lead to disastrous results.

In fact, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korea all achieved outstanding performances on the assessment. Does this mean that education or educational reform in all these three regions has been successful? My instincts say no. In reality, these regions are deeply influenced by Confucianism and the resultant educational competition. It is also very common for students to go to "cram schools." Ten years of educational reform has made cram schools in Taiwan increase in number from about 2,600 to more than 14,000.

The most common subjects in cram schools are mathematics, followed by English, physics and chemistry. This sequence accords with Taiwan's ranking on the PISA assessment, where Taiwan ranked highest in mathematics, followed by science and reading. Therefore, the achievements could be the result of cram schools rather than educational reform. If this reasoning is correct, then we might see Taiwan make huge progress in reading comprehension three years from now since composition now is part of examinations and students have started to go to cram schools for Chinese classes. If so, the consequences would be highly ironic, and have little to do with educational reform.

Many parents and experts question whether constructive mathematics decreases students' proficiency in math. Though many studies have been conducted, most failed to consider the cram school variable and as a result there are no conclusive findings. If parents send their kids to cram schools or home tutor them if their math proficiency declines, how could that be used to examine the effects of educational reform?

Why such competitive countries as the US and Israel, with a wealth of scientists, did rather poorly on the assessment -- the US ranked 29 in science and 35 in mathematics, with Israel taking the 39th and 40th spots, respectively -- is worth pondering. What significance for the future would these results have even if Taiwan continues to rank at the top but we lack the ability to tell cause from effect, believe whatever politicians tell us, and spend our days fighting amongst ourselves?

Tu Jenn-hwa is an associate professor at National Taiwan University's Graduate Institute of National Development.

Translated by Ted Yang

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